Freitag, 24. April 2009

The big day

We had an exciting thursday because there was the final of our MPI Kicker final - Ivo and Joest won it - and the big BBQ at the Weser

Mittwoch, 22. April 2009


Move your ass

Finally all the hard drinki... äh work has paid off! Run and Rise will join the Move your ass festival in August this year and burn down that little village no one has ever heard of. If you wanna come and hang out with your favorite band for 2 days (side effects may include severe brain damage and loss of self control) then tell us because we're organizing a "Run & Rise + Fans - Tour" to that place. Here are some impressions:

Dienstag, 21. April 2009

Kayak Trip

Pure awesomeness! Lorenzo took us on a Kayak Tour trough a river area on the Wümme here in Bremen. Whole day paddling in the sun along with stops for Beer & Knipp!

Mittwoch, 15. April 2009

Bring it on!

Our roof terasse got cleaned and we're ready for the bbq season. Come and see!

Sonntag, 12. April 2009

Geocaching at river Rhein

This time I got help from the coolest kid ever: Ellen's son Ben from cologne.

Easter in da hood

Whats better than celebrating easter with your friends from home and lots of Vodka Ahoi?!

Sonntag, 5. April 2009


Third day tripping trough beautiful Brittany and also found our 3rd Geocache! We hiked to a nice peninsula called L'ilot Saint-Anne and had a nice picnic with cheese & baguette (Olaha!) Only one day left and then it's back from this "buiseness trip" to Germany - I'll bring the sun with me!

And the hunt continues

Next trip to a beautifull island here in Roscoff (Isle-de-Batz) and on the way there picked our next Geocache - yeah!

Freitag, 3. April 2009

Treasure hunters

Today, Michi & I found our first Geocach! For all of you who don't know this GPS-based treasure hunting game, visit!

We had a nice trip to the peninsula Perharidy here in Roscoff and found the geocach on a beautifull viewpoint, check it:

Donnerstag, 2. April 2009

Another buiseness trip...

and today we visit: Roscoff! I've never been in Brittany but this part of France I really like because it's quiet and the landscape is beautiful. And when I say quiet I mean there's no one on the streets and they even turn of the lights outside after dark. The advantage: With lights off you see more awesome sunets ;)

I'll stay here until next tuesday and work on my lab skills concerning the quantification of my symbiont dudes with qPCR. People here are extremely nice and when they drink in the evening the call it "having an aperol" or something like this...
Allez les bleus!